Architecture, to me, is about the enclosure of light so, having been trained as an architect and not being able to work outside one winter, I set about capturing light with paper. This led to building paper sculptures that I would then light and photograph. I have been influenced by the Japanese art and architecture of the 18th century. I have to admit that my awareness of Origami crept into my consciousness. However, in the end, it is the pure impact of color, light, and form that drove these photographs.
Paper Construction #1
Paper Construction #8
Paper Construction #2
Paper Construction #7
Paper Construction #16
Paper Construction #14
Paper Construction #4
Paper Construction #5
Paper Construction #3
Paper Construction #18
Paper Construction #21
Paper Construction #12
Paper Construction #6
Paper Construction #20
Paper Construction #22
Paper Construction #10
Paper Construction #25
Paper Construction #11
Paper Construction #27
Paper Construction #30
Paper Construction #33
Paper Construction #31
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Paper Construction #41
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Paper Construction #43
Paper Construction #44